Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Episode 76: Mini Hiatus

Hello all! As you were probably well aware, I've been gone from the blogosphere for a bit. I've been on some business trips and have a final one this week to wrap things up. I just wanted to drop by quickly and write a quick note to let you, my dear readers, know there is TONS of new content soon!!

Upon my return Monday, I'll be getting back to the health care debate with my good friend and conservative blogger New Conservative Generation (I didn't forget about you!). I have lots of new ideas on health care, the war, energy, the economy (which finally seems to be recovering!) and plenty of political philosophy to write about. Also, The L Comment: Sunday Comment radio show will be launching two Sundays from now if all goes well! New Conservative Generation has already volunteered to be my first guest host, and I hope all of you will tune in!

Sit tight guys, I'll be back soon, and I greatly look forward to reading your blogs again as well!
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6 comments: on "Episode 76: Mini Hiatus"

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Please give more information about the radio show TL.


The Law said...

@Truth, i don't want to give away too much since the exact format is still in the works. However, the radio show/podcast will be available by listening to it on the video bar (soon to come on the sidebar panel) or by clicking The Sunday Comment link at the top of the page where it take you to my YouTube page. I plan to do most every episode with a guest host including actual doctors, economists, and professors, and you all, the readers of this blog! If you're interested in bei g a future guest, email me at thelaw35@yahoo.com

My actual profession is tv/ film scoring and audio engineering, so expect a high quality production!

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